Staying Safe at College — Prepare Now
Are you a parent of a high school senior? Or college-age student?
Is your child prepared for college — academically, mentally, and PHYSICALLY?
One minute you are changing their diapers and before you know it they are borrowing the family car. As a father of five children, I’ve been there. Now they are ready to enter into another phase of their life – college and young adulthood.
Are they ready? Are they prepared for the possible dangers they may face as they start planning to attend the college of their dreams? Can they defend themselves against any dangers at college?
This year we were fortunate to have several mothers join our program with their daughters to learn effective Self Defense skills as they prepared to go off to college. These parents were looking for a program that would provide their teens the ability and confidence to successfully confront the dangers that exists on today’s college campuses.
There is no time like today. Self Defense America offers what I call “Self Defense Life Skills.” We teach concepts and techniques that will take students well into their adulthood. The time to learn self defense is not when you are getting attacked.
So whether your son or daughter is a senior, someone who is being bullied, or you love your children enough to give them the gift of self confidence, focus, and empowerment come on in today for our back to school special.